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What Is the Trend Between the Atomic Number and Family

Trends of Periodic table

The periodic trends in properties of elements

Periodic trends are specific patterns in the properties of chemic elements that are revealed in the periodic table of elements. Major periodic trends include electronegativity, ionization free energy, electron affinity, atomic radii, ionic radius, metallic character, and chemic reactivity.

Periodic trends ascend from the changes in the diminutive structure of the chemical elements within their respective periods (horizontal rows) and groups (vertical columns) in the periodic table. These laws enable the chemical elements to be organized in the periodic table based on their atomic structures and backdrop. Due to the periodic trends, the unknown properties of whatsoever element can be partially inferred.

Several exceptions, still, practice exist, such as the ionization energy trend of group 3, the electron analogousness tendency of grouping 17, the density trend of grouping 1 elements (alkali metals), and then on.

Periodic trends [edit]

The periodic trends are based on the Periodic Law, which states that if the chemical elements are listed in society of increasing atomic number, many of their backdrop go through cyclical changes, with elements of like properties recurring at intervals.[1] For example, later arranging elements in their increasing atomic numbers, many of the physical and chemical backdrop of lithium, such every bit its vigorous reactivity with water, recur in sodium, potassium and cesium.

This principle was discovered past Russian pharmacist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1871 after a number of investigations by scientists in the 19th century. Mendeleev besides proposed a periodic system of elements that was based not only on atomic weights but as well on the chemical and physical properties of the elements and their compounds.[ii] In 1913, Henry Moseley determined that periodicity depends on the atomic number rather than atomic weight. Lothar Meyer presented his table several months after Mendeleev, but opposed Mendeleev'southward Periodic police. Initially, no theoretical explanation for the Periodic Police force was available and it was used only as an empirical principle, simply, with the development of quantum mechanics, it became possible to understand the theoretical footing for the Periodic Law.

The periodic recurrence of elements with similar physical and chemical properties, when the elements are listed in social club of increasing atomic number, results directly from the periodic recurrence of like electronic configurations in the outer shells of corresponding atoms.

The discovery of the Periodic Police force constitutes one of the most important events in the history of chemical science. The Periodic Constabulary also led to the development of the periodic tabular array.

Atomic radius [edit]

The atomic radius is the altitude from the atomic nucleus to the outermost stable electron orbital in an atom. It tends to subtract across a period from left to correct, because increasing effective nuclear force on the electrons causes the atom to shrink. The atomic radius unremarkably increases while going down a group due to the improver of a new energy level (shell). However, atomic radii tend to increase diagonally, since the number of electrons has a larger effect than the sizeable nucleus. For example, lithium (145 picometer) has a smaller atomic radius than magnesium (150 picometer).

There are 4 types of diminutive radius:

  • Covalent radius: half the distance between two atoms of a diatomic compound, singly bonded.
  • Van der Waals radius: half the distance between the nuclei of atoms of different molecules in a lattice of covalent molecules.
  • Metallic radius: half the distance between two adjacent nuclei of atoms in a metal lattice.
  • Ionic radius: one-half the distance between 2 nuclei of elements of an ionic compound.

Ionization energy [edit]

The ionization potential is the minimum amount of energy required to remove one electron from each cantlet in a mole of an isolated, neutral, and gaseous atom. The first ionization energy is the energy required to remove the showtime electron, and more often than not the nth ionization energy is the energy required to remove the atom's nth electron, afterward the (n−ane) electrons earlier it has been removed. Trend-wise, ionization energy tends to increase while i progresses beyond a period considering the greater number of protons (college nuclear charge) attracts the orbiting electrons more strongly, thereby increasing the energy required to remove one of the electrons. Ionization free energy and ionization potentials are completely different. The potential is an intensive holding and it is measured by "volt"; whereas the energy is an extensive property expressed by "eV" or "kJ/mol".

Equally one progresses down a group on the periodic tabular array, the ionization energy will probable decrease since the valence electrons are farther away from the nucleus and experience a weaker attraction to the nucleus'south positive accuse. There volition exist an increment of ionization energy from left to right of a given period and a decrease from tiptop to bottom. As a rule, it requires far less free energy to remove an outer-beat electron than an inner-shell electron. Equally a result, the ionization energies for a given element will increase steadily within a given shell, and increase sharply when starting on the next shell downwardly. Merely put, the lower the chief quantum number, the college the ionization energy for the electrons within that shell. The exceptions are the elements in the boron and oxygen family, which require slightly less free energy than the general trend.

Electron analogousness [edit]

The electron analogousness of an cantlet tin can be described either equally the free energy released by an atom when an electron is added to it, conversely equally the energy required to disassemble an electron from a singly charged anion.[3] The sign of the electron affinity can be quite confusing, as atoms that become more stable with the addition of an electron (and and so are considered to take a higher electron analogousness) show a decrease in potential energy; i.e. the energy gained by the atom appears to be negative. In such a case, the cantlet'southward electron affinity is positive. For atoms that become less stable upon gaining an electron, potential free energy increases, which implies that the atom gains energy. In such a case, the atom's electron analogousness is negative.[4] However, in the contrary scenario where electron affinity is divers as the energy required to disassemble an electron from an anion, the energy value obtained will be of the same magnitude but have the opposite sign. This is because those atoms with a high electron analogousness are less inclined to give up an electron, and so take more energy to remove the electron from the atom. In this case, the atom with the more positive energy value has a higher electron affinity. Every bit one progresses from left to correct across a menses, the electron analogousness will increase.

Although it may seem that fluorine should accept the greatest electron affinity, the small size of fluorine generates enough repulsion that chlorine (Cl) has the greatest electron affinity.

Electronegativity [edit]

Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an cantlet or molecule to attract pairs of electrons in the context of a chemic bond.[5] The blazon of bond formed is largely adamant by the deviation in electronegativity between the atoms involved, using the Pauling scale. Trend-wise, as i moves from left to right across a period in the periodic table, the electronegativity increases due to the stronger attraction that the atoms obtain every bit the nuclear charge increases. Moving down in a group, the electronegativity decreases due to an increase in the distance betwixt the nucleus and the valence electron shell, thereby decreasing the atom'southward allure to electrons.

However, in the group (iii) elements electronegativity increases from aluminium to thallium.

The element having highest electronegativity is Fluorine.

Valence electrons [edit]

Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost electron trounce of an isolated atom of an chemical element. In a period, the number of valence electrons increases as nosotros move from left to right. Yet, in a group this periodic trend is constant, that is the number of valence electrons remains the aforementioned.

Valency [edit]

Valency in the periodic table across a flow first increases and then decreases. In that location is no modify going down a group.

Even so, this periodic trend is sparsely followed for heavier elements (elements with diminutive number greater than xx), especially for lanthanide and actinide series.

The greater the number of cadre electrons, the greater the shielding of electrons from the core accuse of the nucleus. For this reason ionization energy is lower for elements lower down in a group, and polarizability of species is higher for elements lower down in a group. The valency does not alter going downward a group since the bonding behavior is not affected by the cadre electrons. Notwithstanding, non-bonding interactions such as those just cited are affected past cadre electrons.

Metal and not-metallic properties [edit]

Metallic backdrop generally increase down groups equally decreasing attraction between the nuclei and outermost electrons cause these electrons to be more loosely bound and thus able to deport rut and electricity. Across each flow, from left to correct, the increasing attraction between the nuclei and the outermost electrons causes the metallic character to decrease.

Conversely, non-metal character generally decreases down groups and increases across a period.

Nearly metals are lustrous (when freshly fractured, polished or prepared), ductile, malleable and sonorous, while almost nonmetals are not.

See also [edit]

  • List of elements by atomic properties
  • History of the periodic table

References [edit]

  1. ^ Sister, Harry H. (1963). Electronic structure, backdrop, and the periodic law. New York: Reinhold publishing corporation. The physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of the charges on their atomic nuclei i.e. their diminutive numbers.
  2. ^ Sauders, Nigel (2015). Who Invented The Periodic Table?. Encyclopedia Britannica. pp. 26–29. ISBN9781625133168.
  3. ^ Rennie, Richard; Law, Jonathan (2019). A Dictionary of Physics. Oxford University Printing. ISBN9780198821472.
  4. ^ "Atomic Construction". 27 Nov 2015. Retrieved 2021-06-07 .
  5. ^ Allred, A. Louis (2014). Electronegativity. McGraw-Hill Educational activity. ISBN9780071422895.

Further reading [edit]

  • ChemWiki - Periodic Trends
  • Chemical science LibreTexts Periodic Trends


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